Again as the moneyed Zionist corporate juggernaut that is the business we call show sashayed its bloated, greedy manicured trotters down yet another red carpet, we are coming to an end to yet another (amazing?) awards season.
We've had the Brits, the Baftas, The Golden Globes, and now to cap it all off the daddy of them all in a shower of bastards, THE OSCARS! Woooooooooooo!
As the 'elite' (read rich) of Hollywood moved its way down the red carpet into yet another junkets of free stuff most people could only dream of owning (see this for a fucking laugh ), the same bloody question was uttered again and again by the permatanned sycophants and paid lackeys, who spend all their time on the wrong side of the rope while all the while silently loathing those up whose anus they have shoved (willingly) their tongues. Hollywood's sphincter is as clean as a supernova of brand new 50ps.
This is Hollywood Baby where you too can see the pavements littered with gold........... sorry but I've been to Hollywood, and the streets where these stars sauntered into the Oscars are littered for the other 364 days of the year by people dressed as Darth Vader or Captain Fucking Jack Cunting Sparrow selling pictures for 10 bucks a pop.
Or Rats
Or Tramps
Hollywood can be summarised this way, look at HBO's Entourage (albeit a brilliant show just for Ari Gold). The premise of this show was simple- a doe eyed fucking NooYoiker actor lands in Hollywood with his buddies and builds a life for himself. Jesus If it wasn't for Ari Gold's scenes this show would have been canned ages ago. Instead we have 8 series' of Vincent Chase either
a) fucking his co star reverse cowboy
b) fucking some bint he met in a shop reverse cowboy
c) blagging free shit (the product placement in this show can only be described as pornographic)
d) moping about his immense mansion because he doesn't have any of the above at that precise moment.
so either Entourage is criminally brilliant as a send up of Hollywood or the Caligula-esque summit on top of the showbiz mountain.
" so Madonna you look FAAAABBBULOUS! who are you wearing?"
" remember that kid I bought in Africa?"
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