Monday, 24 October 2011

In the beginning...

In the beginning there was chaos, disorder, confusion. People who barely knew each other assembled as if by no wiser guiding intelligence than the roll of destiny’s capricious dice. It was a lot like the Liverpool defence.
Then over the course of many years the forces coalesced into a recognisable cosmology where each element interlocked and complimented each other to a greater or lesser extent. Usually lesser.
We are a diverse collective. 
Our universe boasts a holocaust denier, an evolution denier and, most offensive of all, an alcohol denier.
Our insatiable thirst for knowledge takes us into esoteric areas of exploration. One is a home brewist, one is bird beater (not that kind), one is call centre connoisseur, one has forgotten more about Count Duckula than you can ever hope to know.
Then there are the professionals the journalist, the police man and the teacher. Sense is a world full of nonce.
Our mission is to outrage, misinform, rant, profane and provoke. But our defining precept remains immutable: Make us laugh.
This is our manifesto.
Terms and conditions do not apply.

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