Wednesday, 26 September 2012

In a world full of cunts, John Terry is the ultimate cunt

It really is hard to imagine a bigger cunt in football than John Terry. 

That’s saying something in an era that contains such a galaxy of cuntish luminaries. We're talking cunts like...

Ashley Cole the man who had to pull over his car in disbelief at the paltry 50 grand a week Arsenal were offering him for a WEEKLY wage. He fucks around on his wife - even if that snake bitch is musical cancer - and has a yellow streak longer than the universe’s biggest solar flare. When being legitimately booed for being shit for England he responds by saying I wasn’t even playing last game, the coward fuck.


Joey Barton the kind of person stupid people think is smart. Just because the moron quotes Nietzsche or make a reference to Brunel does not mean he has any notion of the meaning or conception of the work of these people. Actions speak louder putting a cigar out on someone’s face especially a black person and getting sent off for aiming a kick at a prone players head tells me all I need to know about this cowardly toad cunt.


Stephen Gerrard snogged the fuck out of that badge last weekend didn’t he? There must have been a fiver behind it cause that’s the ONLY thing that cunt loves. To face the fans afterwards and tell them how devoted he is must have been the hardest thing to do with a straight face. That and teaming up to beat the fuck out of random punters in bars, let your mates take the rap as you walk away scot free.  Bollocking a referee who was told by his own fans to die of cancer must have been a highlight of manlyhood for Stevie - WHAT ME pass the ball to my peasant team mates - ME.


Man U’s own resident scumbag Wayne grannyfucker Rooney.  Brilliant player... but the biggest mercenary since John fucking Rambo.  As bad as Gerrard loyalty wise on 230 grand a fucking week every time he leaves training it must feel like he’s jumping in the getaway car.  Has never done it for his country yet has such a sense of entitlement that he felt it was OK to bollock the fans who spent a massive chunk of their disposable income to watch a clart with the control of a baby elephant kicking a beachball on ice making a cunt of himself.  Of course they can boo they’re the ones who pay your wages giving you a much needed job review. You might try listening sometime.


Carlos Tevez how could I have left this uber cunt this long. Your team are in a life and death struggle for its first league title in 50 odd years how would you react? Put your shoulder to the wheel in the knowledge that you’ll be an immortal for your club forever? OR fuck off to South America and shamelessly try and pressure the directors to sack your boss. Fuck me it’s a wonder this shaven ape can play football he has balls that big. They must be at least the size of a set of space hoppers. He does more shady deals than an Iranian chemist.


There’s loads more but John Terry out-cunts them all. For that we really must salute him.